Wednesday 16 December 2020

Christmas Break for Writing


My brain has decided to go on its Christmas break, and it doesn't want to work anymore.

Unfortunately, I have a day job that thinks differently, and so, all my breaks are occurring during the writing part of my day. I'm still getting odd words down, and ideas are still coming to me, but whenever I sit down to do any actual writing, a rush of festiveness washes over me, and suddenly I find myself eating candy canes and and Christmas shopping online.

I'm looking ahead to the new year, planning Christmas day. I'm searching for recipes, knitting decorations. I'm doing online Christmas quizzes and scavenger hunts. Watching Christmas movies, listening to festive music.

If it wasn't for the day job keeping me grounded I'd be adrift in a haze of Christmas.

We're all aware that this year it's going to be different. It's going to be quieter and a little sadder. We haven't been able to do all the celebrations, parties, and outings that we might usually have done, but even with our quiet, little Christmas, I'm still in the mood to see Santa.

I've been good all year. Well, most of it. Okay, some of it. Fine, I've been okay, but that's enough for the good list, right?


Monday 7 December 2020

Christmas Excited

...and skilled in procrastination!

I'm all ready for Christmas. I've done nearly everything I need to. I go to work, I'm tidying up, the decs are up, cake made, present bought. 

What I've fallen done on is writing. I never realised how helpful Christmas is with my procrastination. Any time I sit down to write, and I can't get on track, well, there are always more Christmas gifts to look at.

 Now, I'm turning my procrastination skills to prep for the new year. I'm setting up worklists, doing background info for stories and now I'm trying to finish some small projects, editing, poems. Clearing the decks so that when I do get back into writing I have a clear path. Do I know that this is no more than procrastination? Absolutely, but excited for Christmas and having too much fun getting ready for it, so I'm trying to do the best I can with my weak concentration.

I just want it to be Christmas already!