Thursday 29 December 2022

Goodbye 2022

For me, if 2022 was a book in a series it would be the filler book that does nothing but set up for later stories. 

I feel like I did a lot, and achieved some things, but at the same time, have nothing to show for the year that we're about to leave behind. 

Maybe I'll hit the ground running when we get into 2023 or maybe I'll plod through the start, but mostly I don't want to be in the same place this time next year. I don't want to be stuck in this limbo that 2022 was trapped in. 

It doesn't mean there was no progress, but it's all behind the scenes and that makes it feel like it didn't happen. 

I know I'm moving forward, but sometimes it's hard to see when it happens so slowly, and it's easy to get disheartened. I'm clinging to motivation through the new year. 

Earn a Reward

One of the things I do is reward myself when I achieve a task, especially if it's a boring one. I'm not saying I buy myself a bottle of champagne for every little accomplishment, but even a little extra reading time, a nice drink, watching a movie. Whatever gets the job done. 

Break Up the Goal

Big things are easier to complete when broken up into smaller tasks, so that's what I do. I figure out what I want and then build the steps to reach it. I think looking at something like losing 3 stone in weight, or publishing a book can be intimidating when looked at, but starting small like getting into healthy habits or writing character profiles make is much more realistic. 

Why Do This?

Sometimes when I'm struggling or disheartened, I have to think about why I'm pushing myself. Why am I sitting at my computer two days after Christmas working when I could be doing something else? I visualise the end result. I need to know exactly what I want so that I can keep going. 

Prepared for Set-Backs 

The trajectory of success is never straightforward. I'm not shooting straight ahead. I falter, I get rejected, I make mistakes, and I do things wrong. Sometimes, I just straight out fail. I take time to feel bad about it, I cry, I complain and then I try again. 

Still Trying

2022 is on its way out and 2023 is coming which means I'm almost onto the next book of this series called life. 

If you liked this blog then take a look at some of my other sites, including my lifestyle blog

Wednesday 7 December 2022

It's Christmas Time

 It's Christmas time and this romance writer is ready for it. 

The decorations are up. Twinkling lights make the living room look warmer. I've done all my Christmas shopping. All that's left is to wait for the big day to arrive. 

Christmas Spirit

I love Christmas. The cosy nights at home with cinnamon candles, watching festive movies, wrapped up in a blanket with a hot water bottle and even better if I can have a glass of wine - which isn't always possible with the early starts at my day job. If I can't though then luckily, I'm a hot chocolate enthusiast.

I had hoped to write a festive story for Christmas this year, but time really has flown by and taken me by surprise with how quickly Christmas has arrived, so hopefully next year I'll get the idea written down. 

Keep Writing

I've got lots of story ideas, including the second book in my new shifter series, so for 2023 I'm on a mission to write as much as possible. It's not a New Year's Resolution or anything like that. It's just a hope. A wish.

I always want to write more than I do, but obviously working at a day job alongside writing severely limits my time, but there will hopefully be some new paranormal romance stories and some new fun characters coming soon. 

What the New Year Brings...

I don't have any specific plans for New Year. I'm at work in the morning and then I think I'll mostly be chilling at home, but I do love the start of a new year. It feels like wiping the slate clean and starting from scratch. A fresh outlook, new motivation, new goals... 

I'll be writing to the very end of 2022 because I'm a writer and it's what I do, and when the clock strikes midnight, it's page one of a new year. 

If you like this blog, feel free to take a look at my other articles, or if you prefer you can visit my website here, for updates and news. 

Monday 24 October 2022

Wings of Passion


I signed my contract for Wings of Passion yesterday, which means it's coming soon. It's on its way. 

I'm so excited to get this story published and it's my first foray into a series. This is the first installment of a shifter romance, and I'm getting started on the second. Each book will be about different characters, all connected through their pack. 

I love writing shifter romances, I'm such a fan. I think it's one of my favourite genres of paranormal romance to read and write. 

I've written shifter romance before, and if it's your cup of tea too, then check out my bear shifter romance Feral Serenity.  Stick with me and I'll update with Wings of Passion updates as they come. I can't wait for you to read this book. 


Tuesday 19 July 2022

Summer Holidays

 Get me to the beach...

Am I Going Abroad This Year? 


It's a staycation for me. I'm heading to Skegness, and I couldn't be more excited if I was going abroad. 

It'll be donuts and ice cream, fish and chips, malibu slushies, meals out, and wine by the beach. I'll be paddling in the sea with my furbaby and buying tourist gifts. 

No Writing For Me

I'll obviously be taking my notebook with me, but my laptop is staying at home, so there will be no serious writing. There might be some serious reading though because I will be taking a few books with me. 

You have to have choice when it comes to reading, right?

Writer Not Writing

For four days. That's how long I'll be away. Four days without my laptop. I think it's the longest I've gone in a long time without it. 

No adding to WIPs. This romance writer is shutting the computer down. 

Not this week though. This week is for finishing and hitting deadlines. 

Tuesday 7 June 2022

Why Do I Write?

From the moment I read paranormal romance, I fell in love with it.  

I've never been a particularly romantic person in real life, and I wonder if that's unusual for a romance author, or if we put it all into our writing, so we're not so interested in the reality of it. 

Still, give me an alpha male who knows what he wants, and a woman who makes it complicated for him, and I'm sold. Shifter romance is my jam, but whatever the genre, what is it that makes writers write? I can only answer for myself. 

Imaginary Friends

If I don't get them onto paper, the characters don't leave me alone. The persistent little buggers demand their story be told, and even when I'm writing it, they make their presence known. I can have full-on conversations with them. They're always there and until it's written, they're in my head. 

Living in Little Worlds

I have many different worlds inside my head. Many different stories. They're set on earth, in space, in fantasy worlds. I can visit them anytime and I often do. There's a universe in my mind. 

Words Are Brilliant

The words we choose, the words we like; we build our style on our word preferences. Words are amazing, the way you can make people see what you see. See what's in your mind. In your heart. 

Paranormal Romance is Key

Shifter romance, werewolf romance, vampire romance. The possibilities for a romance writer are endless. Is it any wonder I love reading these romance novels as much as I enjoy writing them? 


Okay, I probably shouldn't admit it, but it's cathartic adding people who frustrate you in real life to your work in progress and giving them their karmic retribution. Think you got away with shoddy behaviour. Not in my mind, you didn't. 

It's Bloody Fun

It's as simple as that. Writing is fun. That doesn't mean it isn't agony and torturous and exhausting and infuriating. But at the end of the day, it's a pretty good way to spend my time. 

Romance Author Forever

Yes, paranormal romance is my favourite, but when it comes to reading I'm less picky. Shifter romance is the best, and as an indie writer, it's my go-to genre. It doesn't mean it's all I'll ever write. 

Stay tuned, and if you want to follow my goings-on, you can do that on my author website

Saturday 16 April 2022

Real or Fake? Writing Characters.

 When writing, should you use real people to inspire your characters?

As a romance writer I don't use them for my main characters. I don't think I could write the kind of love scenes I write if I had a real person in my mind. Way too awkward. Not to mention, I haven't run into any alpha male sexy bear shifters lately to inspire me. 

Feral Serenity
So, character inspiration? No, not for the main ones. For side characters, though, I personally don't have any objections and I've been known to borrow a name or two for a few characters.

I may have also borrowed inspiration for some villains too. Hey, we all know the writer threat of 'be careful or I'll put you in my novel.' There have to be some perks for spending all our spare time chained to a computer or a laptop. 

When there are so many people around us, it's hard not to dip into that pool, and for writing exercises, I was advised a lot to watch people.

One piece of advice I would give, is don't make it a carbon copy. While some people might be flattered to be included in your book, may even ask to be, you don't want someone to be offended by reading themselves as an unlikeable character in your work of fiction. I feel like that might lead to some legal ramifications. 

Something we can probably agree on is that writers, and artists of all kinds, are influenced by life around them, and that means people, so there is probably a chance that you've been impacted without even realising. 

Real characters. Yes or no? My answer: Sometimes. 

So tell me, have you used any?

Saturday 2 April 2022

All Over the Place

 Organisation is key...

I feel like there's no order in my life right now.

I have to-do lists and schedules and still I've fallen into chaos. In fact, I'm so busy making check-lists and rotas that I forget to write and work toward my goals. My goal now is to keep it simple. 

This blog is specifically for updates on my writing, and I'm going to try and keep the personal parts of my life out of it a bit more than I have. I think that will help streamline things a little. I'll write about other parts in a separate blog. Of course, if anyone is interested in reading about my IVF journey you can do that by vising my site, To Be a Single Mother.

I have a few days off coming up, and I'm hoping they can be exclusively for writing, which means I need everything to be done before then. My time over the next few days will be scheduled within an inch of my life. I have the day job to contend with, and the real-life responsibilities that get in the way of writing time. 

A busy few days so I can earn my writing time. 

Sunday 2 January 2022

A Year of Writing

 An unproductive year ends...

...The next begins

Last year... What can I say? It passed by without me really achieving anything. 

I wrote, but published nothing. 
I wrote, but finished nothing. 
I wrote, but it was nothing. 

I think it's safe to say, that any plans I had this time last year, have come to zero, but that's why I'm such a fan of New Year. It's like starting a brand new book. It's like starting from scratch. 

And so as 2022 begins, have I set myself any resolutions? Yes. And they're all writing based goals. 

So many projects to finish that I have enough to keep me busy for years, but I want to finish the ones that I feel like I've been working on for years. Wings of Passion, my untitled sci fi romance, and a few others that I started but never finished. 

In 2022, these books are getting finished! They just are! I'm finishing them!

And to do that, I'm giving myself achievable deadlines, lots of free time, and a new set of priorities. Writing and publishing is my main New Year resolution!