Tuesday 14 May 2024

Character Interview - Law - Part One


He walks in dressed in jeans, a grey t-shirt and black boots. He’s a handsome guy with sharp cheekbones, black hair and dark brown eyes. He has a scar on his jaw and another on his cheek, which gives him a rough sexiness.

I can’t help but notice that in one sweep, he takes in the room around him, which I’m guessing makes him an observant guy. It could be the shifter in him though that makes him that way.

Without a word, he takes a seat. He looks relaxed but alert. There’s an intensity to his spirit that makes me restless.

I clear my throat.

ME: Afternoon, Law. It’s good to see you.

He nods.

ME: This part of the interview is recording basic information, so even if you think I know the answer, please tell me anyway.

Another nod.

ME: What is your full name

He sighs.

LAW: Law

ME: Last name? Middle name?

Another sigh.

LAW: Law Harris

ME: How did your parents decide on your name?

LAW: I don’t have parents.

ME: How tall are you?

LAW: 6 ft 3

ME: What colour is your hair?

LAW: Can’t you just look?

I give him a stern look and he smirks.

LAW: Black.

ME: What colour are your eyes?

Law looks up as if he’s searching for patience.

LAW: Brown

ME: How much do you weigh?

(Bursts out) LAW: Fuck off, I don’t know. Been a while since my last weight watchers visit.

ME: Who raised you?

LAW: A god awful pack. I left them and went solo when I was fourteen. I do better on my own.

ME: Where do you live now?

LAW: Wherever

ME: Any medical problems?

LAW: If I say no, can I skip the rectal exam?

ME: Um… Yes. Any distinguishing marks?

LAW: (waves at his face) You see the scars. There are a few others, and I have a tattoo. You need to see it? (He’s definitely getting impatient.)

ME: Maybe just describe it.

LAW: Circles on my forearm.

ME: Any religion?

LAW: What do you think?

ME: What kind of car do you own.

LAW: BMW X3. Black.

ME: Do you have any pets?


ME: Are you married?


This seems like a natural stopping point for now. We’ll pick this back up later.

LAW: How about for good?

Before I can answer, he’s leaving.

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