It's a goal.
I'm not actually setting any New Year's Resolutions this year. If I was then I'd be a bit late, given that it's February now. But what I am doing is setting a target to reach and then I have a point in my mind to reach where I can review and plan.
Previously in the Life of a Romance Writer
When I decided I wanted to try for a baby, I did everything that was within my power to work for it. I did whatever I could to get him. I lost weight, ate foods that had nutrients that increased my chances, I earned money and saved it to pay for treatment. Every penny that came from writing was saved for IVF. It wasn't always easy and it took many years, not just one, but I got my little man and he's beautiful, bright and stubborn. My little big man.
What's Next?
Next, my goal is to get us a safe and comfortable home where the three of us can settle and live. Me, baby and dog. We want our own house. I don't care much if I own it or if it's a rental, but I want somewhere permanent for us, with our belongings and our furniture. That's my next mission.
Throw Everything at It Again
There was nothing easy about IVF but I did love the time I put into it. The difference with this goal is that my priorities will be different. Or actually, they'll be the same. For IVF, my baby was my priority, and obviously, he still is, which means my time isn't my own. I might not be able to dedicate the same time to getting us a home, as I did to getting my baby.
But whatever time I can scrape together needs to be for that, and any money I earn needs to be saved for that. No frivolous spending.
The steps for getting our own home aren't quite as elaborate as going through IVF. Basically, there is just one. Money. It's the only real obstacle in my way.
Time to Work
I'm going to have to be resourceful with my time, but I'm also going to have to gather energy from somewhere to shake off the tiredness from sleepless nights that are coming at the moment with having a one year old. But I'll do it. Because I want my baby and furbaby to be in our home as soon as possible.
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