It's so hard to get going with the business of fertility when there's a pandemic going on.
I've been trying to make an appointment for the referral to the fertility clinic, but it's not considered to be an emergent case so I can't even get a phone appointment. The only option is to call every single day and hope they have a free space where they can fit me in.
I knew there would be set backs, I always knew this was going to be difficult, but I didn't expect it to be getting off the starting block. I didn't realise it would be so difficult to get the first appointment.
I see a long road ahead of me - an endlessly long road ahead - and it's not going to get any shorter if I don't get going.
I know this isn't the ideal time to be starting this journey, but I wanted to earlier in the year, but then this pandemic started, kicking us into full lockdown. If I keep waiting, I'll be a thousand years old.
I might be that old by the time I get a GP appointment.
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